Beautiful Design
That NEVER Arrives

Whatever you do - don’t order anything from

You’re not alone!

A quick search of Twitter will reveal very quickly how upset people are with The level of service is appalling. Phones are not answered, emails ignored. Money is being stolen.

Phones Ignored
Emails Ignored
Money Stolen

Brands Beware!

Are you a major international design brand? Did you spend years growing a loyal audience? could be damaging your reputation.

It’s time to stop this rogue company from doing damage to your hard earned brand reputation. Ask them to remove your logo from their site and cease pretending to sell your amazing products.

Share Now to avoid the

I’ve lost money. Chances are if you’re here that you’ve lost money too. And if you’re a brand. Well that damage is harder to measure. But it’s time to act now.

Help keep the design world happy!